a dancer's day

Monday, October 24, 2005


Yesterday on Sunday I went to Charlotte North Caralina to dance at Shock the intensive. When I was done dancing I went to the teacher's room to sit and watch the very incredible teacher dancers. They were so good that I just had to stay and keep watching until they got done with class. My teacher was one of the very incredible teacher dancers. Two summers ago I went to a jazz camp at down town Columbia jazz compony to take a copel of dance classes. I had an incredible lyrical class tought by Lauren Anderson. I saw her at shock and I thought that I was just seeing things. Then when she got closer to me as she danced I said in my mind, Wow! I had actully seen the lauren Anderson that I thought I would never see before. Has that ever happened to you? You thought you would never see a person that you knew one upon a time before but when you go some were you thought you would not know anyone there you see some one that you have seen before or even known before? You say in your mind,WOW! If you have you know what I am talking about and you know how I feel about seeing someone you know.


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i watched that video on the website!! that seems like a very fun trip! i'm so jealous!


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