a dancer's day

Sunday, January 22, 2006

the flue really stinks!!!!!!!!

today i have the flu! i don't feel good AT ALL! it really hurts to have the flu! if you have ever had it, you would know exactly what i'm talking about. Jack said earlier today that he wished he had the flu so that he didn't have to go to school.i told him how bad i felt right then and right then he changed his mind. it really stinks to have the flu! i did want to go to school on monday but i don't think i can. the good thing about having a nurse for a mom is that if you ever get sick or hurt, she knows just what to do. but the bad thing about having a nurse for a mom is that you can't fake getting sick because she knows if you are sick or not so you have to go to school. i'm not saying that i ever fake it because i know that if i do fake it she will know. i love my mom and i like the job she has. i still don't like having the flu. especially on the weekends! i can't do anything on the weekend now! my opinion (and i hope everyone elses opinion too) is that . . . THE FLU REALLY STINKS!!!


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