a dancer's day

Monday, January 23, 2006


today when i was sitting on the couch, mom came up to me and read me a letter that said that i would be in A.G.P. A.G.P. is the acadimicly gifted program for kids with good and smart heads. i was so excited because i had always wanted to be in it. and now, my last chance to be in it i got in! when mom read the letter to me i just couldn't belive my ears! i finilly got in the program of my dreams! i always thought that i wasn't smart because i wasn't in A.G.P. but now i don't have to feel so bad! the boys always teased me that i wasn't in A.G.P. and they were. i got so mad at them for that!but now i don'y have to worry because now i am in A.G.P.too! i can't wait 'till next year because that's when i'm starting! i think A.G.P. will be very fun! i just can't wait! A.G.P. dosen't that sound so good to your ears? A.G.P. here i come!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

the flue really stinks!!!!!!!!

today i have the flu! i don't feel good AT ALL! it really hurts to have the flu! if you have ever had it, you would know exactly what i'm talking about. Jack said earlier today that he wished he had the flu so that he didn't have to go to school.i told him how bad i felt right then and right then he changed his mind. it really stinks to have the flu! i did want to go to school on monday but i don't think i can. the good thing about having a nurse for a mom is that if you ever get sick or hurt, she knows just what to do. but the bad thing about having a nurse for a mom is that you can't fake getting sick because she knows if you are sick or not so you have to go to school. i'm not saying that i ever fake it because i know that if i do fake it she will know. i love my mom and i like the job she has. i still don't like having the flu. especially on the weekends! i can't do anything on the weekend now! my opinion (and i hope everyone elses opinion too) is that . . . THE FLU REALLY STINKS!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

too much to do

today my friend called me and asked if I wanted to come over and play. so I went to my dad's room and asked him if I could play with them. but he said no because I could go to a consert of Ashley Cleevlend, a singer. I would really like to go to my friend's house to play but I also wated to go to the concert. Here I had one pretty big problemo. so instead I'm going to the cool concert. we always have a lot to do.sometimes I even think that we have TOO MUCH TO DO! The other day I had dance and I wanted to be able to play and have fun but because I had dance I couldn't. I do like dance and all, but sometimes it just holds me up on a lot of things! we haveTOO MUCH TO DO!On every Wednesday I go to honors choir to sing but right after that I go to church and eat dinner. right after dinner I go to choir again. By the time my day is over my throat hurts and we are all very tierd. On every wednesday we have TOO MUCH TO DO! sometomes I wish I had nothing to do and I had a free life! I don't always like having. . . . . . . .TOO MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!