a dancer's day

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The crazy squirrel

Today I was sitting down just relaxing and Jack came into the kitchen and he showed Mom an article in his National geographic kids magzine and it was about a squirrel that took 2,000 nuts and put them in a man's car. I thought for a minute and then it came to me. Whoa! I thought that was a very amazing thing to know. I was thinking of what to blog about and then it came to mind. I'll blog about that! I would blog about the weird squirrel. The squirrel put 2,000 peanuts in a man's hood of a car. I thought that was very outstanding! The peanuts were 2.4 lbs in the air filter. I just wanted to tell you about the crazy squirrel that I thought was very cool! bye.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Yesterday on Sunday I went to Charlotte North Caralina to dance at Shock the intensive. When I was done dancing I went to the teacher's room to sit and watch the very incredible teacher dancers. They were so good that I just had to stay and keep watching until they got done with class. My teacher was one of the very incredible teacher dancers. Two summers ago I went to a jazz camp at down town Columbia jazz compony to take a copel of dance classes. I had an incredible lyrical class tought by Lauren Anderson. I saw her at shock and I thought that I was just seeing things. Then when she got closer to me as she danced I said in my mind, Wow! I had actully seen the lauren Anderson that I thought I would never see before. Has that ever happened to you? You thought you would never see a person that you knew one upon a time before but when you go some were you thought you would not know anyone there you see some one that you have seen before or even known before? You say in your mind,WOW! If you have you know what I am talking about and you know how I feel about seeing someone you know.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I love the fame!

I have always wanted to be famouse! Today I was looking at the news paperwhen I saw a picture of Orlando Boom in it from the movie that is out called "Elizibeth Town''. I saw Orlando Bloom standing with with Kirsten Dunst. When I saw them two standing next to each other I felt so bad because the boys told me that Orlando Baboon. . . I mean, Orlando bloom had a girl friend. But I will always love Orando Bloom and I love the fame!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

video games

Today I was standing in the kitchen while the boys were playing video games. Boys are really weird in that way! I can't belive that some people are so addicted to it. I really can't be talking because I actully like video games but I'm not addicted. Some games are actully quite fun, but not all. Jack was just asking me if I wanted to play co-op mode with him. I was about to say yes but then I died. (Hey Will stop writing on my blog!) Well any way, I was about to say yes but thought about how weird The Lord of the Rings is and said no thank you. Then I rememberd that it had Orlando Bloom in it. But I still said no. well any way I better go now.

Friday, October 21, 2005

disecting eyes.GROSS!

Today in class we disected a cows eye. I thought that it would be fun but after we actully did it it was so gross! The reason we diseccted a cows eye was because we were learning about eyes. I was so grossed out that once I saw the first part of the eye I just could not watch any of the rest of the lesson. Some people said that the disection was so cool and I thought that they were insane! That lesson was soooooooooo gross that me and my friend Anna( the Anna in Mr. oinky and Anna) would hold onto one another when ever a really terrible gross part came up. Can't you just picture me doing that! He-he-he. By now you probably know how I felt when I was disecting that cow eye. And you probably don't want to here any more about disecting the cow eye even if you don't understand about disecting a cow eye and how bad I felt while I did it. Well I'll stop bothering you. Bye now!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A wish is a dream to look forward to

A wish is a dream to look foward to,
so don't give up if you think it won't come tru.
you can always count on a wish to help you a lot,
so make a wish and stick to that one spot.
I'll give you some advice, just make a wish if you are ever blue,
because, A Wish Is A Dream To Look Foward To!

(c) 2005

If you want to coment on any of my bloggs from now on
It does not take any hard work you just go onto my blogg site and start commenting you don't have to log into it because we got the thingy majigger changed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My first day

Today I was looking at my new diary when dad came up and said,"Is that a dairy?" and I said in respond,"yes." Then dad said that I needed to have a blog. and I was like. . . uh. . . I don't know about that. And then he told me how to make a blog. So then I started to just jot things down( the things I was jotting down was the things you are reading this very second) because I was just way to exited because I thought that dad was only kidding about the whole you should start a blog. now I am just going to be coming to the computer every day and just jotting things that I don't even know that you are intrested in! I love to blog now and I will always! This is my first day and I like it!